Line Upon Line
I thought I would start a blog. I know I started one before, and can't find it but that's beside the point. I'm going to write a blog starting today and continuing on for quite some time. I'm going to record my thoughts, impressions and learning and attempt to record my learning and development journal. My purpose in this it to continue both my personal and professional development, and that starts with learning daily and recording my progress. Here visibly on the internet. For everyone to see. Maybe I'll do do video blogs? Maybe not. Maybe I'll create a group/ Maybe not. Point is, I'm perfectly fine writing in, all by myself.
Learning, is a community event. It's something that must come from and occur with others. Creating a shared vision, for example. For what good is it to have a vision of the future but not share it?
This attempt at a blog will be to fully explore the words, thoughts and books of authors as I continue on this learning journey. My first few articles will be on communication as I fully learn and start to the develop this skill. Other topics will likely be reveled in time, as I like to say line upon line, precept upon precept.
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