7 Ways to Make a Conversation With Anyone
Have you ever struggled to find the right words when talking to others? Malavika Varadan who hosts her morning show, Breakfast No. 1 on City 101.6, shares seven enthusiastic tips on making conversations with others. She encourages everyone to talk to strangers and have a conversation with them as each person is a new link and a potential friend.
1. The First Word Opens the Flood Gates
Every stranger is an opportunity to learn something new and have an experience that you have never had.
The first word acts a flood gate so keep it simple, say hi.
2. Skip the Small Talk
Ask a personal question and you'd be surprised what people will tell you. "Where do you come from, where does your family live."
3. Find the Me Toos
Find something that you might have in common with the next person, then suddenly, you'll find that you both are on the same side of something. When you find a me too, you automatically find a buy in.
4. Pay a Unique compliment
They may forget what you say or what you do but they will never forget the way you make them feel. Some words we have developed an immunity to so be aware of those, try to find a unique, genuine compliment,
5. Ask for an opinion
Asking for an opinion on something simple, don't make it too complicated.
6. Be present
Eye contact is where all the magic happens, when you look someone in the eye and they will not dare look away.
7. Name, Place, Animal, Thing
It's awful when you meet someone for the umpteenth time and you can't remember their name so to help remember them when you hear someone's name, say it back to them. Remember these little things about people.
A conversation is like a reading a book, you can turn to any page that you want, you can flip to your favorite chapter, you can read as long as you want, and you can read what you want, and every person, trust me, is a really good book. We are entire human stories, we deserve more from each other. So what are you going to do in this big world we call the library? Are you going to walk around, look at the hard bound copies and read the titles? Or are you going to actually reach for a book, open a page and start reading a story? You decide.
Varadan, Malavika. (2016, January 11). 7 Ways to Make a Conversation With Anyone | Malavika Varadan | TEDxBITSPilaniDubai. YouTube. TEDX Talks.
Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4Zu5ZZAG7I
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